History – discovery, collection, organization, and presentation of information about past events. History can also mean the period of time after writing was invented (the beginning of recorded history).

  • Archaeology – study of past human cultures through the recovery, documentation and analysis of material remains and environmental data
  • Archontology – study of historical offices and important positions in state, international, political, religious and other organizations and societies
  • Art history – study of changes in and social context of art
  • Chronology – locating events in time
  • Cultural history – study of culture in the past
  • Diplomatic history – study of the historical foreign policy and diplomacy of states
  • History of science – study of the emergence and development of scientific inquiry
  • Economic history – the study of economics in the past
  • Environmental history – study of natural history and the human relationship with the natural world
  • Futurology – study of the future: researches the medium to long-term future of societies and of the physical world
  • Historiography – both the study of the methodology of historians and development of history as a discipline, and also to a body of historical work on a particular subject. The historiography of a specific topic covers how historians have studied that topic using particular sources, techniques, and theoretical approaches.
  • Intellectual history
  • History painting – painting of works of art having historical motifs or depicting great events
  • Military history – study of warfare and wars in history
  • Naval history – branch of military history devoted to warfare at sea or in bodies of water
  • Paleography – study of ancient texts
  • Philosophy of history –
  • Political history – study of past political events, ideas, movements, and leaders
  • Public history – presentation of history to public audiences and other areas typically outside academia
  • Psychohistory – study of the psychological motivations of historical events
  • Social history – study of societies and social trends in the past
  • Universal history – study of trends and dynamics in world history
  • Urban history – historical nature of cities and towns, and the process of urbanization
  • Women’s history – study of the roles of women throughout history
  • World history – study of global or transnational historical patterns