All accepted abstracts and FULL PAPERS (Max.7 PAGES, SUBMITTING NOT OBLIGATORY) will be published as an e-book (With ISBN and Editor) before the congress in English. The deadline for proceeding book is defined on the Dates web page. Please send to by PROCEEDINGS titled.
Sending a full paper is not obligatory. Full papers can be written in Turkish, English or Georgian.
Please download the template for the proceedings.
All full papers would be published after the referees and editors’ process done in edited international books by IJOPEC Publication till the end of the month of the CUDES Congress according to the editor’s decision and in CUDES Journal ( 2 months after the congress.
For Journals:
CUDES Journal will publish 30 congress papers in a special/continued volume for the CUDES Congress. You have to select your publication choice in the registration form. The blind referees’ process will be completed and journals will be published by the end of the year of congress. Please see the web page at for using the journals’ writing rules. Papers will be evaluated under the rule of journals.
Mesopotamia Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies ( will publish 20 congress papers in a special/continued volume for the CUDES Congress. You have to select your publication choice in the registration form. The blind referees’ process will be completed and journals will be published in December 2024. Please see the web page at for using the journals’ writing rules. Papers will be evaluated under the rule of journals.
For IJOPEC Books:
Full texts will be published in Turkish, English, and Georgian separately. In the areas that are not sufficient, the full text will be published as titled Current Debates in Social Sciences / Current Issues in Social Sciences.
Articles must be written in English or Turkish, (If there is enough paper accepted by editors a volume can be published in the Georgian Language too) and proofread before submission. All articles submitted should follow the main guidelines of IJOPEC Publication. The authors should follow the submission guidelines of the IJOPEC, which can be found on the IJOPEC web pages. The deadline to submit your manuscript for edited International e-Book by IJOPEC Publication is the 1st of October 2024.
Abstracts should be submitted at and manuscripts sent to